Ajankohtainen regulaatio
Ajankohtainen ja kattava katsaus tuleviin säädöksiin, jotka vaikuttavat finanssialaan.
Tutustu Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) -asetukseen, kryptovarojen Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) -sääntelyyn, datasäädökseen, Framework for Financial Data Access (FIDA) asetusehdotukseen, sekä tekoälysäädökseen (Artificial Intelligence Act).
Tutustu Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) -asetukseen, kryptovarojen Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) -sääntelyyn, datasäädökseen, Framework for Financial Data Access (FIDA) asetusehdotukseen, sekä tekoälysäädökseen (Artificial Intelligence Act).
Course duration: 2+ hours
Course type: Seminar
Course Language: Finnish
Course Track: Digital Risk & Compliance
Kurssin sisältö
Meet the speakers
Focus on legal development of innovative technologies and businesses, and the strategic restructuration of intangible assets.
Iiris is known for her dynamic and insightful approach to matters involving intellectual property, media law, data protection and data assets. She works closely with leading global and Finnish companies in the development, acquisition, protection and commercialisation of their innovative products, services and businesses, and is a leading expert in Finland on the legal aspects of transformational technologies such as artificial intelligence.
Before joining Dittmar & Indrenius, Iiris Kivikari gained valuable experience at a leading European media company and as an inspector of the Finnish Data Protection Authority.
Iiris is known for her dynamic and insightful approach to matters involving intellectual property, media law, data protection and data assets. She works closely with leading global and Finnish companies in the development, acquisition, protection and commercialisation of their innovative products, services and businesses, and is a leading expert in Finland on the legal aspects of transformational technologies such as artificial intelligence.
Before joining Dittmar & Indrenius, Iiris Kivikari gained valuable experience at a leading European media company and as an inspector of the Finnish Data Protection Authority.
Focus on technology transactions, complex IP and IT intensive contracts and negotiations as well as intellectual property licensing with a special expertise in free and open source software.
Anna is recognized as one of the leading international technology lawyers with international education and work experience both cross border and overseas and has practiced law in Finland, Sweden and the United States. She is dual-licensed attorney admitted to both the Finnish Bar and the New York Bar. She has earned Doctor of Laws degree in intellectual property law and advises clients with both non-contentious and contentious assignments.
Anna is recognized as one of the leading international technology lawyers with international education and work experience both cross border and overseas and has practiced law in Finland, Sweden and the United States. She is dual-licensed attorney admitted to both the Finnish Bar and the New York Bar. She has earned Doctor of Laws degree in intellectual property law and advises clients with both non-contentious and contentious assignments.
Focus on technology law and contract law.
Saara is a member of the board of the Finnish IT Law Association.
Saara is a member of the board of the Finnish IT Law Association.
Focus on data protection, consumer law and IT legal matters.
Oskari Paasikivi advises clients in questions surrounding data protection, communications law, technology as well as consumer protection. Oskari also specialises in employee privacy related matters.
In addition, Oskari has experience in the field of M&A, with a particular focus on technology focused transactions.
Oskari Paasikivi advises clients in questions surrounding data protection, communications law, technology as well as consumer protection. Oskari also specialises in employee privacy related matters.
In addition, Oskari has experience in the field of M&A, with a particular focus on technology focused transactions.
Focus on data protection, technology law, IPR and contract law.
Joona Linner advises clients in data privacy and security compliance projects as well as IP and IT intensive contracts and has strong technological understanding and capability to understand client’s needs. He has gained expertise, for example, in the field of IT innovations, FinTech, blockchain technology and DeFi.
Prior to joining Dittmar & Indrenius, Joona Linner gained expertise from engineering and architecture consultancy sector and especially data protection and IPR from working at Sweco as a Legal Counsel and Local Privacy Officer. Among other things, Joona gained experience by developing and managing data protection practices and implementing privacy programs as well as advising in questions surrounding digitalisation, data analysis and business development. He also has experience in the field of M&A as well as insurance and risk management.
Joona Linner advises clients in data privacy and security compliance projects as well as IP and IT intensive contracts and has strong technological understanding and capability to understand client’s needs. He has gained expertise, for example, in the field of IT innovations, FinTech, blockchain technology and DeFi.
Prior to joining Dittmar & Indrenius, Joona Linner gained expertise from engineering and architecture consultancy sector and especially data protection and IPR from working at Sweco as a Legal Counsel and Local Privacy Officer. Among other things, Joona gained experience by developing and managing data protection practices and implementing privacy programs as well as advising in questions surrounding digitalisation, data analysis and business development. He also has experience in the field of M&A as well as insurance and risk management.
Hanna vetää parhaillaan Valtiovarainministeriössä hanketta, jossa valmistellaan MiCAn ja TFR:n kansallista täytäntöönpanoa.
Hanna on työkierrossa Valtiovarainministeriön Rahoitusmarkkinaosastolla Pääomamarkkina-yksikössä syyskuuhun 2024 asti ja Hannan pysyvä virka on Finanssivalvonnassa, missä Hanna toimii johtavana asiantuntijana digitaaliseen rahoitukseen, kuten maksupalveluihin, kryptovaroihin ja operatiivisiin riskeihin liittyvissä tehtävissä. Hanna on ollut useiden vuosien ajan Finanssivalvonnan edustajana Euroopan arvopaperimarkkinaviranomaisen (ESMA) työryhmissä, joissa käsitellään kryptovaroihin liittyviä kysymyksiä.
Ennen Finanssivalvontaa Hanna on työskennellyt mm. Kyberturvallisuuskeskuksessa ja Telian tutkimus- ja tuotekehitysosastolla.
Hanna on työkierrossa Valtiovarainministeriön Rahoitusmarkkinaosastolla Pääomamarkkina-yksikössä syyskuuhun 2024 asti ja Hannan pysyvä virka on Finanssivalvonnassa, missä Hanna toimii johtavana asiantuntijana digitaaliseen rahoitukseen, kuten maksupalveluihin, kryptovaroihin ja operatiivisiin riskeihin liittyvissä tehtävissä. Hanna on ollut useiden vuosien ajan Finanssivalvonnan edustajana Euroopan arvopaperimarkkinaviranomaisen (ESMA) työryhmissä, joissa käsitellään kryptovaroihin liittyviä kysymyksiä.
Ennen Finanssivalvontaa Hanna on työskennellyt mm. Kyberturvallisuuskeskuksessa ja Telian tutkimus- ja tuotekehitysosastolla.